July 20, 2018

Liebherr Refrigeration Australia | Kitchen Appliance Guide

Expert Advice
Liebherr Appliances
Dr. Hans Liebherr started the Liebherr Group of Companies in 1949. It is a family run business with well over 32,000 employees in more than 100 companies, across all continents. It produces an unusual mix of mining equipment, cranes, construction equipment, diesel engines and of course refrigeration appliances.
Despite their focus being engaged in a variety of enterprises, Liebherr group has gone on to become one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of refrigeration and has earned a reputation for performance, innovation and care for the environment. Liebherr’s refrigeration products include refrigerators, freezers and wine cabinets, available in free standing, built-in, and integrated configurations.
Liebherr has also gained the distinction amongst discerning consumers, for producing the best fully integrated refrigerators on the market. Unlike most of their competition, Liebherr’s integrated appliances are fully concealed behind a cabinet door. Installed in a tall kitchen cupboard, the refrigerator door simply opens in unison with the cupboard door.
From the outside you don’t even know they are there, allowing you to enjoy an uncluttered look to your kitchen. The designers at Dan Kitchens enjoy incorporating them into their custom designs for this very reason.
Interested in fully integrated refrigeration? Visit the Dan Kitchens showroom, where you can discover Liebherr refrigerators within their well-appointed displays.
Transitional kitchen with dark blue island and eclectic finishes

A kitchen design from Dan Kitchens Australia featuring a Liebherr Bottom Mount Refrigerator.


A kitchen design from Dan Kitchens Australia featuring dual Liebherr Refrigerators.

White and black shaker kitchen built under staircase

A kitchen design from Dan Kitchens Australia featuring a Liebherr integrated Refrigerator (left).

Starting your own project? Chat with one of our designers

Through the Dan Kitchens Design Service, we can design your kitchen to get the most out of your selected premium appliances. And if you haven’t thought about appliances yet, we can assist you in your appliance selection.